Travel Chat Series – Jackie Waldal Trowbridge
I am delighted to introduce the next in our series of video chats with experienced worldwide travelers who share their travel tips and experiences…. Jackie Walden Trowbridge.
Have you ever dreamed of living in another country?
Growing up in a small rural community in Canada, Jackie dreamed of living in Europe. Despite many tears and questioning what what she was doing, Jackie offers an inspiring story of how she made it happen with her move to Spain. She describes how despite dealing with feelings of loneliness and frustration due to language issues, it’s a decision she does not regret
Jackie also passes on her advice and travel tips. In fact one of her best pieces of advice is to learn from her and not to do it the way she did! If you’re looking at starting out as an independent traveler, learn about her recommendations how to build your confidence to be a more confident and adventurous traveler.
Jackie’s Travel Tips – Highlights From A Chat With Jackie Walden Trowbridge…
Read more about the highlights of Jackie’s advice by signing up to The Youthful Midlife Traveler and discover the secrets of how to travel the world as an independent traveler. (Includes video and mp3 audio). To sign up Click Here.
The Youthful Art of Midlife Travel. (A new titled version of My Senior Gap Year) A story described by readers as entertaining and inspiring. Find out more at The book and kindle version is available from Amazon: Click here: (Australia:
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