How To Be An Adventurous But Safe Traveler

 Travel Chat Series – Helen MacLeod

The next in our series of video Travel Chats is with another worldwide traveler.  It was a pleasure to chat with Helen Macleod who shares her travel tips and experiences.

Adventurous But Safe Travel…

Helen is a very experienced traveler with over 30 overseas trips. She prefers to travel with a few people or by herself. Her first adventurous trip was when she was about 21, travelling ten weeks from Bali to London. Travelling through countries like Kashmir, Afghanistan and Iran gave her a taste of what you can do. While Helen enjoys adventurous travel she prefers to travel where she feels safe. If there’s a place she is unfamiliar with, she prefers to not travel alone until she is comfortable with the destination and a sense of familiarity.

Highlights From A Chat With Helen…

Read more about the highlights of Helen’s advice by signing up to The Youthful Midlife Traveler  and discover the secrets of how to travel the world as an independent traveler. (Includes video and mp3 audio). To sign up Click Here. 


The Youthful Art of Midlife Travel. (A new titled version of My Senior Gap Year) A story described by readers as entertaining and inspiring. Find out more at The book and kindle version is available from Amazon: Click here: (Australia: and like My Senior Gap Year page at

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